Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What makes my day..

Wednesday morning, 7am. Indra, Sally, Gab and I were supposed to have a morning hike up Broga hill. At first, Sally decided not to go as she was still asleep. Then, she woke up, deciding to go. Then, she decided NOT to go. In the end, she did not go. -.-"

So, it was just Indra and I. That was alright. We drove to the bottom of Broga hill and started to walk. But we turned back as there were a group of men having a discussion and though they may not have bad intentions, we did not want to ask for trouble. We then decided to go for breakfast which was fine with me.. but poor Indra could not believe she woke up early just to end up eating Bfast! LOL! Sally's fault :p

The breakfast was well worth it. We ate at multi-choice. Nothing great. But it was the Seremban Siew Pao stall that made me drool. They were just baking the Kaya Puffs and Egg tarts. Right after I was done with my nasi lemak, I brisked walk over to the stall with hopes to buy at least ONE kaya puff (just like how I'd have hopes to buy something from a megasale). The display section did not have any kaya puffs, I thought it was not ready yet. I was so sad for a minute. But when Indra asked the lady if there were any.. and she said YES! In fact, she asked if I wanted the hot one (which was straight from the oven) or the one on top of the oven. I choose the former of course. And that truly made my day!!

This may not look like an appetizing picture..since I could not wait to bite into the puff before thinking about my blog. Yet, I had to take a picture of this as this is one of the little things that brightens my day. Even Indra had to agree that the pastry was well done. So, if you want a good kickstart to your morning, I suggest indulging on a freshly oven-baked kaya puff/ Siew Pao/ Egg Tart before heading on to your routines.

The thing is, you need to be up by 8am to attain this orgasmic Puff. So what say you; wake up late with an empty stomach or forsake your extra sleep time for some freshly baked puff-ness? :p

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