Saturday, April 4, 2009

Stop and stare. Barcelona Club.

Clubbing at Bar Celona with Mark, Patric (his best friend) and other new people (colleagues/friends/bosses) was awesome last night. The whole experience literally made me stop and stare. Why? because I had lots to observe. I stopped everything I was doing in uni because I needed a break, hence the clubbing. I stared during my stop because of my underlying habit of observing. Call me weird but when I go to clubs, I don't necessarily go there to 'feng tau' or loose myself. In fact, I go there to quietly relax, observe and take in my surroundings. All in all, it was interesting.

I got to experience what it was like to have a private party and socialize with new people within that setting. Quiet as I may appear to be at that time, it gave me some space for me to observe how working adults entertain their bosses/clients/colleagues. I observed the exchange of businesses cards amongst those working, to the clinking of our glasses as we toasted together, to the raunchy dance moves by those 'Barcelonian Angels' (which I find was not thaaatt raunchy), to how Mark and Patric placed the cash on the manager's hand for the Chivas we opened. It was oh so interesting to observe how managers/colleagues (mostly men) gather together, with glass in one hand and cigarette in the other, to extend their networks. I even observed how they danced (Mark and Patric included,they were so cute! -giggles-). I tried my first Flaming Lambroghini there and it was so sweet/delicious/feminine. Really now, the taste was so feminine, I fell in love with it.

So, do you think I felt awkward meeting Mark's best friend and the other new people? No. Do you think I felt left out? No. The big question: Was I pissed drunk? NO! NO! NO! In fact, I had to drive Mark's car back to Tmn Connaught (our meet up place before heading to Sunway in one car) because I felt they were not fit to drive at that point of time! LOL! Must be my motherly instincts stirring within me. :)

Mark and Patric were two really nice chatty guys who were also kind enough to give me a few words of advice when it comes to the workplace. Relationship with managers = important. I definitely can click with these two. Me like. :)You both were right btw, there is such a stark contrast when it comes to clubbing with college goers and working adults. I now prefer the latter.

Thanks a bunch to the both of you (esp. Mark) for exposing me to this. :)

P/S: To Meei Yuun and Poh Gee (read, POKIE :p), you both missed out on the drinks and the whole experience itself! TOOO BAADDDD!! mwahahaha!!

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