Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Done and over with (part 2).


I'm done with all presentations and assignments for my whole IBM Degree!! wooohoo!!! I feel very much relieved. My exams are what I need to worry about now.

24th and the 25th of April will leave me busy with SOCIAL events for once. Yaay! Isa, Marianne, Ching and myself will be heading to Zouk this friday for the CLEO's bachelor finals party. The following day would be a workout day for Ching, Marianna, Kevin and I as we would be participating for a charity walk in Sunway organized by NASAM. Awesome! Awesome! Then, if our energy levels permit us, we MIGHT head to Decanter Setiabakti for dinner..and for another purpose -eye candy- *blush*. Hehe.

'Mr. T, what have you done to me.' LOL. It rhymes.

1 comment:

CY said...

whee whee~~!!! i can't wait for fri & sat to come too!! & i really wanna go to decanter to eat la. kekeke XD